Humanly Gods or Godly Humans: Representation and Anthropomorphism of Mythical Characters in Amish Tripathi’s Shiva Trilogy


  • Aritra Basu M.Phil Research Scholar, University of Delhi, Delhi, India



Anthropomorphism, Disability, Myth, History, Marginalisation.


This paper attempts to analyse the representation of mythical characters in the three novels by Amish Tripathi, namely The immortals of Meluha, The secret of the Nagas and The oath of the Vayuputras. The protagonist is a human being, Shiva, whose bildungsroman through the trilogy transforms him into a God, but without actually changing any of his physical attributes. Thus, at the level of anthropomorphism, this method of representation sheds light on the humane aspect of the divinity. From a perspective of feminist understanding of disability, the character of Kali would be studied, as an initial outcast to an important character in the last two books. Thus, this paper would conclude that Tripathi attempts at a vision of inclusivity, by his clever techniques of the representation of the disabled and the divine alike.


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Amish Tripathi; The immortals of Meluha; Chennai: Westland ltd; 2010.

--The Secret of the Nagas; Chennai: Westland ltd; 2011.

--The oath of the Vayuputras; Chennai: Westland ltd; 2013.

Barthes, Roland. Mythologies; translated by Annette Lavers; New York: The Noonday Press; 1972, pp. 127-130.

Pattanaik, Devdutt, Tribune Newspaper Interview, Chandigarh, Tribune Daily, 19.09.2010.

Nicol, Bran. ed. The Cambridge companion to Postmodern fictions; New York: Cambridge University Press; 2009, p. 99.

Tripathi, Amish. The immortals of Meluha; Chennai: Westland ltd; 2010, p. 3.

Wendell, Susan. “Towards a feminist theory of disability”; Hypatia, Volume 4, Number 2; 1989, pp. 104-124.

Web Sources

WordPress; Review of the secret of the Nagas; web; Date of access: 10th June 2019.




How to Cite

Basu, A. (2020). Humanly Gods or Godly Humans: Representation and Anthropomorphism of Mythical Characters in Amish Tripathi’s Shiva Trilogy. International Journal Online of Humanities, 6(1), 96–104.


